Medieval History w/ Literature (7-8 Grade) 24-25
Advisor(s): April Thome and Becca Mailand
Medieval History w/ Literature, Advisor, Rebecca Mailand
This class will cover the historical era following the fall of the Roman Empire in 410BC, through the Age of Discovery and The Renaissance. The historical readings will be enriched with literature about the age, research for a historical project and preparation for a play script about an individual from the Middle Ages who made an impact. Along with the history and literature studies, students will be engaged in vocabulary studies, especially enriched with Greek and Latin roots that contribute to our language today. CE
Materials fee – $20 (pay to Rebecca Mailand)
Story of the World Book 2: The Middle Ages by Susan Wise Bauer, Well Trained Mind Press (both the reader and the activity book)
Vocabulary from Classical Roots Book B, Norma Fifer & Nancy Flowers Educators Publishing Service