KATS Intermediate Elementary Block (Grades 5-6) 24-25
Advisor(s): Elementary Advisors
Intermediate Elementary Block (5th & 6th Grade)
- Historical Theater (5th Grade) or Math & Writing Labs (6th Grade)
- Medieval History w/ Lit and Intro to Chemistry & Physic (5th & 6th Grade)
- Math & Writing Labs (5th Grade) or Historical Theater (6th Grade)
Historical Theater – Katie Meinzinger (Grades 2*-5)
Medieval History will come alive as students prepare three plays set in the Middle Ages/Renaissance. Students will receive training in singing, dance, stage techniques, movement, and expression. Music class will also include instrumental music instruction. Students wanting to enroll in elementary theater must also take music class as most of the musical preparation for our plays occur during music class. CE
5th & 6th Grade Math / Writing Labs – Laura Brazeau
Each class will begin with math games, logic puzzles, reasoning challenges to exercise and practice every day use of math and reasoning. This time is meant to provide supplemental math activities only and is not a stand-alone curriculum. Families should select their own math curriculum to work on outside of class. Class time will then progress to exploring introductory structured writing skills and grammar as we explore historical literature with a focus on the Middle Ages. CE
5th & 6th Grade Medieval History w/ Lit and Intro the Chemistry & Physics – Laura Brazeau
This dual class will cover both history and science. In history we will cover the Middle Ages following the fall of the Roman Empire in 410B.C. through the Age of Discovery and the Renaissance. Introductory level Chemistry and Physics will be the focus of our science curriculum. We will learn more about how the world works including structure of atoms, the periodic table, laws of motion, magnetism and thermodynamics. CE
Please see the materials/book list for more information re: what you need for these classes. Located in the Resources tab.