Physical Science 24-25


Advisor(s): Shannan Golladay

Physical Science, Advisor, Shannan Golladay

This year-long Apologia course covers the topics of earth science, weather, physics, basic electronics, nuclear forces.

Class time is spent covering main concepts and completing labs. This is a one hour class. CE

Lab fee – $20 (pay to Shannan Golladay)


Exploring Creation with Physical Science* – Apologia 2nd Edition, ISBN# 9781932012774

IMPORTANT NOTE – make sure it is the 2nd Edition.  Tests will be provided – do not buy the Tests/Solutions booklet.



Q1W1 - (week 1 and week 2)
Q1W3&4 - 9/24 & 10/01
Q1W 5&6 - 10/08 & 10/15
Week 7 & 8 (10-24-23)
Q2W 1&2
Q2W3 3&4
Q2W5 - 5&6
Q2W7 - 7&8
Q3W1 - 1&2
For any course-related questions, please contact your advisor.
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