Spanish 2 (prerequisite: Spanish 1) 24-25


Advisor(s): Alyssa Hodson

Spanish 2, Advisor, Alyssa Hodson

In this level two course students will continue to learn the Spanish language and culture through comprehension based methods of language learning, expanding their vocabulary and grammar knowledge as well. Students will speak, read, and/or write in the target language daily. Thursday lab is required. CE

Materials fee: $30 (pay to Alyssa Hodson)

Students will need a 1′ binder, dividers, a Spanish/English Dictionary and Rival by Mira Canion and Esperanza by Carol Gaab (Books are available at Wayside Publishing)


Q1W1 - starting 9/10/24
Q1W2 - 9/17/24
Q1W3 - 9/24/24
Q1W4 - 10/01/24
Q1W5 - 10/08/24
Q1W6 - 10/15/24
Q1W7 - 10/22/24
No Homework
Ninth Week - November 3 - November 8
Q2W1 - 11/12/24
Q2W2 - 11/19/24
Q2W3 - 12/3/24
Q2W4 - 12/10/24
Q2W5 - 12/17/24
Q2W6 - 1/7/25
Q2W7 - 1/14/25
Q3W1 - 2/4/25
Q3 - W2 (2/13/24)
Q3W3 - 2/18/25
For any course-related questions, please contact your advisor.
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